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Alice's Canning Tomatoes

Alice’s Canned Tomatoes

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This recipe is really based on taste and whatever you have from your garden to add to the tomatoes. Alice likes to use her canned tomatoes in spaghetti sauce, soups and stews. She told me that she “just hates to have to buy a can of tomatoes from the store!” Amen, Alice!

Fresh tomatoes, cored and peeled (easiest way to peel is immerse into boiled/hot water on stove for a few seconds)

Add the following in amounts to taste: diced onion, celery, green pepper, kale, zucchini and garlic.

Seasonings: to taste: thyme, oregano, cumin, basil, bay leaf, salt and pepper

Add all ingredients to a large kettle or pot on stove and cook, stirring well as can stick.

Cook until tomatoes and vegies are broken down, tasting to see if more seasoning is needed.

Wash jars in hot dishwasher or soapy hot water and hot rinse.

Check for any jars that have chipped tops- do not use.

Boil lids and rings- set aside in the hot water.

Use canning funnel to fill jars to about an inch from the top.

Wipe rim of jar with paper towel as must be clean to seal.

Place lid on and add ring, making sure it is on straight and tightens well.

When jars are filled, add to canner filled about half way with water (follow pressure cooker instructions)

Place lid on without “petcock” valve and let boil for 7-8 minutes.

Place petcock valve on tightly and watch gauge until pressure reaches 10 pounds. Adjust range to keep 10 pounds pressure for 15 minutes.

Let canner cool and release lid. Lift cans carefully from canner as will be hot and place on counter using a towel or hot pads underneath.

Allow them to cool until you hear a “pop” or when there is no depression when top of lid is pressed; showing a tight seal has been reached. If after several minutes, a tight seal is not reached, you will need to refrigerate any of those jars and use them in cooking soon.

Other sealed jars can be safely stored at room temperature, preferably in a dark place. Many experts say you should use within one year of the date of canning for freshest flavor and quality.

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