Volunteer Profiles

"I probably receive more satisfaction from my Meals on Wheels clients, than they do from me."
Barb Redmond - Meals on Wheels Driver
Barb Redmond began her love of working with the disabled and elderly in high school when she was encouraged to visit the senior citizen's county home in Chicago. She says, "I always looked forward to those visits and listening to the life stories of the residents who were so grateful for the time I spent with them. So, when the campus minister at Briar Cliff University sent an email indicating that the Meals on Wheels route on the north side of Sioux City was in jeopardy of being closed if a driver couldn't be found, I decided to answer the call. Luckily I was able to arrange my schedule so I could become a weekly driver."
That was 10 years ago, and Barb is still delivering meals. The clients are some of the most grateful people I have had the opportunity to meet. She enthusiastically continued, "I probably receive more satisfaction from them than they do from me."
In addition, she is honored (and we are honored too!)to serve on the Board of Directors for Connections Area Agency on Agency which oversees not only the Meals on Wheels program, but many other programs for senior citizens and individuals living with disabilities.
We, as staff, look forward to seeing Barb's smiling face and cheerful spirit on a regular basis, and know that her meal recipients also delight in the joy she brings along with the good, hot noon meals.
Thank you, Barb for serving as a Meals on Wheels Volunteer and on our Board of Directors!