The Benefits of Volunteering

Some of the best reasons to volunteer are the ones you may not have considered - reasons that make it worth your while to go that extra step. People who have spent time volunteering for a cause or charity report that they get back in satisfaction and joy more than they ever expend in inconvenience or effort - what you get back is immeasurable. You'll also receive these benefits:
Volunteering makes you feel needed.
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to make a difference about something you care about.
Volunteering can lead to learning new skills.
Giving helps keep taxes and other costs down.
Giving returns to society some of the benefits society gives you.
Volunteering can help you deal with some of your personal problems.
Giving lets those who have more share with those who have less.
Volunteering helps you meet new people and breaks down barriers of misunderstanding, mistrust and fear.
Volunteering always looks good on a resume.
Volunteering not only gives you an opportunity to make new friends, it can create new contacts that may help your business or career.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are needed to donate their time and talents, assisting older individuals throughout our communities in remaining independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. There are numerous ways you can help. For more information, contact Connections Area Agency on Aging at (800) 432-9209.