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Connections Area Agency on Aging Volunteer Openings

Volunteer Meals on Wheels Delivery Drivers

Location: Council Bluffs - (Contact Joyce Rodenburg at 800-432-9209 extension 8110)

Location: Sioux City - (Contact Stan Wisnieski - 800-432-9209 extension 8237)

Volunteers can deliver as many or as few days as they would like. Whether you are a Monday-Friday driver or only available a couple times/month, we can work with your schedule. Meal delivery takes approximately one hour, just before lunch. This is a great team-building project, especially for local businesses!

For interest in all other volunteer opportunities contact Aubury Krueger-Kutchara at or 800-432-9209 

District Leaders-Location: Leaders needed from all counties.  District Leaders are needed to  speak with, write to or email legislators on behalf of seniors and persons with disabilities who want to live independently. Tools, information and training will be provided.

Advisory Council Representatives -Location: Representation is needed from all counties, especially seeking members from Adams, Cass, Cherokee, Decatur, Fremont, Harrison, Montgomery, Monona, Harrison, Page, and Shelby counties.  New Advisory Council members are needed to be the voice for older Iowans in your community. You will provide grassroots input and advice to the staff and our Board of Directors.

Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) Connections sponsors sites in Council Bluffs Harlan and Sioux City.   Would you like to help older Iowans to choose the Medicare plan best for them?  Iowa’s SHIIP volunteers assist thousands of Iowans every year through one-on-one Medicare counseling and community education efforts.   

Special Events Help - Volunteers are needed to assist with various aspects of different events, such as helping with planning, set up and each event's dynamics.  Events vary and can be booths, fundraisers including our annual Golf Tournament and Dessert Auction, and/or other functions. All types of skills and abilities are needed to make each event successful.

Bingocize-Connections Area Agency on Aging needs volunteers to lead  Bingocize evidence-based program. Bingocize® is a 10-week program designed to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior. Specifically, Bingocize® can increase older adults’ functional fitness, knowledge of falls prevention, and social engagement in a variety of settings, including community senior centers and congregate meal sites. The program combines a bingo-like game with physical activity and/or health education (falls prevention and nutrition). Participants play Bingocize® twice per week on nonconsecutive days, with each 45-60 minute session consisting of exercises (range of motion, balance, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises) and/or health education questions. Online leader training consists of five self-paced modules, costs for the training will be covered by Connections AAA.

OATs leader- Want to help us harness the power of technology to change the way we age? Connections Area Agency on Aging is looking for volunteers to help us facilitate the OATS-Older Adults Technology courses throughout our services area. With the OATS programming, we aim to leverage technology to help older adults learn new skills, save money, exercise, and make new friends. Training for the program happens quarterly 1x a week for 75 minutes.  

Matter of Balance Coach- Want to make a difference in the lives of older adults in your community? Connections Area Agency on Aging is seeking volunteers interested in being trained as A Matter of Balance Coaches. What is A Matter of Balance (MOB)?  Matter of Balance is an evidence-based structured group intervention program, designed to reduce fear of falling and falling incidences. It is targeted at community-dwelling adults 60 years or older.  Training will be provided by Connections’ Master Trainer.

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