Your support, as a volunteer and/or donor, is critical to the continued growth of Connections Area Agency on Aging.
Your donation means that a senior can stay at home instead of facing nursing home placement. It can allow a family caregiver the opportunity to take a break and leave care giving duties for a brief time. Your support ensures that we do not have to deny or delay services to any senior in need. Our caseload of clients is growing every month, and the population of older Iowans is increasing. With your help, we will continue to meet the needs of these challenges.
A donation in the amount of $500.00 will provide 60 hot or frozen senior meals.
The value of an individual who volunteers two hours per week is approximately $1000 per year.
Approximately 50 hours of in-home respite care or homemaker service can be purchased with memorials totaling $1,250
Community support for educational forums and conferences stimulates interest from sponsors, enabling the agency to continue to offer these opportunities at little or no charge to the public.