Tabor: Money Smart for Older Adults

Join us for a fantastic program and a light lunch.
The Money Smart for Older Adults Program raises awareness among older adults and their caregivers on preventing fraud, scams, and other elder financial exploitation. The curriculum encourages advanced planning and informed financial decision-making. Money Smart for Older Adults was developed jointly by the FDIC and the CFPB.
Ever Wonder?
What is financial Exploitation and the various forms of it?
Description of common scams and how to avoid them?
What is Identify theft and Medical Identity Theft?
How can your local bank help keep you safe?
Registrations are encouraged by May 30th.
For more information, contact us at 800.432.9209
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is held on June 15th and is an annual international UN observance day on the same date each year.
Intro to Smartphone Photography-Greenfield

Interested in learning more about your smartphone camera? Come to this lecture to explore your smartphone’s camera and some features like recording video, adding filters to pictures, and using your camera’s timer! We’ll also go over some basic tips for taking good selfies, selecting backgrounds, and using optimal lighting. This presentation will cover Android and iPhone.