Independence Day Holiday - offices closed
Creston: Lunch & Learn about Connections

Join us for a free, yes - free lunch at Summit House in Creston. Learn more about the services provided by Connections, your local Area Agency on Aging. We suspect you'll go home with so much new knowledge about what's available to help you and your loved ones age on their own terms and keep their independence!
RSVP by July 14th to Samantha at Summit House or to Nikki Cordeman at 800.432.9209 extension 8710
Sioux City: OATS Staying Safe Online
This hands-on workshop reviews important tips for keeping your personal information safe while enjoying the benefits of the internet. Learn how to recognize suspicious emails and what to do when confronted with online scams.
Creston: Lunch & Learn about Connections

Join us for a free, yes - free lunch at Regency Park Community Center in Creston. Learn more about the services provided by Connections, your local Area Agency on Aging. We suspect you'll go home with so much new knowledge about what's available to help you and your loved ones age on their own terms and keep their independence!
RSVP by July 19th to Nikki Cordeman at 800.432.9209 extension 8710
Afton - Matter of Balance classes
This 8-session workshop addresses the fears of falling and teaches fall prevention strategies.
Who should attend?
The program was designed to benefit older adults who:
• Are concerned about falls
• Have sustained a fall in the past
• Restrict activities because of concerns about falling
• Are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength
• Are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem-solve
Cosponsored by Connections and Union County/Greater Regional Health
Pre register by calling Union County/Greater Regional Public Health at 641-782-3545