Virtual Evening Group: Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Connections is excited to offer another virtual Powerful Tools for Caregivers. This is an evidence-based program that provides support to family caregivers. Join this group that will meet from 6:30-8:00 pm on Tuesday evenings for 6 weeks beginning on October 3rd and ending on November 14th. (We will not meet on Halloween, October 31. Limit 8 people. No additional people will be added after the first session.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers gives you the skills to take care of yourself while caring for someone else. By taking care of your own health and well-being, you become a better caregiver. Six sessions held once a week are led by experienced class leaders. Class participants are given The Caregiver Helpbook to accompany the sessions and provide additional caregiver resources.
Aging Well Series - Facebook
Aging Well: Facebook
Curious about Facebook but concerned about privacy? Interested in learning how to set up a profile or a page? Want to learn more about Facebook Live? This lecture and tech lab class offers an overview of Facebook’s evolution, its most popular features, and tips for getting in on the action. It will also cover privacy settings as well as the role of advertising on Facebook. The second half of the class will allow you to use your device or a provided laptop to explore Facebook. This class is brought to you by Chris Kuchta, Community Engagement Specialist at Connections Area Agency on Aging.
Register by calling WITCC's Lifelong Learning Program - 712.274.6404 to attend in person or by Zoom.
Course #24/FY CPDV 2797 01
Room L304, Entrance 4, Parking Lot 1 or 2
Corning: OATS - Smart Phone at a Glance
If you’re curious about what smartphones can do and why they’ve grown so popular, come to this lecture. You’ll learn about popular smartphones on the market and some of their pros and cons. We’ll also compare and contrast two of the most popular operating systems: Android and Apple’s iOS.
Caregiver Support Group by Zoom
Come join us for time to share and relate to other caregivers. Our virtual support groups will meet monthly on the third Monday, 2pm-3pm.
For security, please contact Alisha for the Zoom link.
If nobody joins the Zoom by 2:15pm, the support group will not meet for that week's session.
Sioux City: Support group for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Join us for a time to meet and connect with other grandparents.
Osceola - Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention

Join us at the Senior Center beginning on October 23rd for Tai Chi. Classes will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00-2:00. Each class builds on concepts from previous classes. For that reason, no participants can be added after the second class. Classes will continue through December 11th.
To register, please contact Nikki. 800.432.9209 or
Council Bluffs: Support group for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Join us for a time to meet and connect with other grandparents.
Corning - Bingocize!
BINGOCIZE® is a 10-week health promotion program that combines the game of bingo with fall prevention exercise. Come play bingo and meet new people while learning about techniques to reduce falls.
Twice Weekly on Tuesday and Thursdays
October 24th-January 18th
*Attendance at First Class is REQUIRED to participate
Osceola - Matter of Balance classes

This 8-session workshop addresses the fears of falling and teaches fall prevention strategies.
Who should attend?
The program was designed to benefit older adults who:
• Are concerned about falls
• Have sustained a fall in the past
• Restrict activities because of concerns about falling
• Are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength
• Are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem-solve
Cosponsored by Connections and Clarke County Hospital
Pre-register by calling Nikki at Connections - 800.432.9209 ext 8710 or Leah Reed at Clarke County Hospital 641-342-5293
Osceola - OATS: Facebook
Curious about Facebook but concerned about privacy? Interested in learning how to set up a profile or a page? Want to learn more about Facebook Live? This lecture offers an overview of Facebook’s evolution, its most popular features, and tips for getting in on the action. It will also cover privacy settings as well as the role of advertising on Facebook.
Sign Up Today!
PLEASE PRE-REGISTER!! Call: 800-432-9209, Ext. 8710 OR