Labor Day - Offices Closed
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
These Tai Chi classes are suitable for every fitness level and for anyone aged 60+ wanting to improve balance and coordination, along with those wanting to maintain or improve mobility.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among many other organizations, recommend this program for fall prevention and
health. Tai Chi is also a mind/body exercise and those who practice it often experience less depression and enhanced immunity and improve many aspects of their health.
This class will meet every Friday from Sept. 9 through Dec. 30, 9:15-10:15 am. Each class builds upon the skills learned in previous classes.
To register or for more information, contact Nikki Corderman at 800.432.9209 ext 8710 or or Nichole at 641.782.9622 or
Council Bluffs: Annual Golf Classic

Dear Golfers and Sponsors,
Whether you are a first time golfer at our tournament, or returning once again, we are so honored to have to at this year's tournament. Your participation in our Golf Classic will benefit aging Iowans and will be used to support the increased needs of older Iowans impacted by the COVID Pandemic. The 2022 tournament is dedicated to our local food producers who have served tirelessly throughout the pandemic/support as our local heroes, along with emergency first responders. veterans, and active duty military personnel.
In recognition of the continued fiscal challenge posed by COVID-19, we are continuing our reduced sponsorship rates for this year, asking each bronze, silver, gold, and platinum sponsor to submit their registration and to please include a $50 gift card of your choice to be used as a pin prize for our players. This year’s levels are at the same reduced rates as last year:
BRONZE: $150 + $50 Giftcard of donor’s choice
SILVER: $400 + $50 Giftcard of donor’s choice (Includes 1 team of 4 in tournament)
GOLD: $750 + $50 Giftcard of donor’s choice (Includes 2 teams of 4 in tournament)
PLATINUM: $1000 + $50 Giftcard of donor’s choice (Includes 3 teams of 4 in tournament)
Can’t make it on the date of the tournament? Consider sponsoring a team of Heroes made up of local food producers and/or healthcare professionals for $300, or donate a gift card!
Gift cards are a fun and safe way to reward flag winners, and they are easy to mail to the victors. Restaurants, movies, Amazon, as well as any store cards make excellent options.
Please review the attached materials and come on out and play with us on September 9th as we honor our local heroes and have a lot of fun all for the benefit of area seniors!
Hope to see you there!
Creston - OATS Protecting your Information Online
This presentation will cover the ins and outs of how to protect your personal information online. We’ll cover tips for staying safe in cyberspace, like creating strong passwords, managing spam, how to recognize email and text scams, and when it’s OK – or not – to share your personal information online.
On-line Caregiver Support Group
Join us for an on-line support group, especially designed for caregivers.
Join us via phone, computer or even a grandpad by Zoom.
Please contact Jan for more info for the link to join.
This group meets every second Wednesday of the month from 2:00-3:00 pm.
Another group meets on the fourth Monday of the month from 6:00-7:00.
Attend either or both meetings each month.
Virtual Tues Afternoon Group: Stress Busting Program for Family Caregivers

Connections is excited to offer a virtual Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers. This is an evidence-based program that provides support to family caregivers. Join this group that will meet from 1:30-3:00 on Tuesday afternoon for 9 weeks beginning on Sept 20 and ending on Nov 15. Limit 8 people. No additional people will be added after the first session.
It is proven to:
Improve the quality of life of family caregivers who provide care for people with chronic illnesses.
Help caregivers manage their stress and cope better with their lives.
The Stress-Busting Program is a multi-component program where two facilitators meet with a small group of caregivers. The program is focused on education, support, problem solving, and stress management. It takes a holistic approach addressing emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive needs of caregivers. Participants meet for nine week for 90 minutes per week.
Sioux City - Aging Well Series: Elder Abuse: Golden Years and Lost Shine
Join us for another in the Aging Well Series, designed with topics especially for Older Iowans and their caregivers. This series is a collaboration with the Lifelong Learning Program at WITCC. This is a free program and no Lifelong Learning membership is required. Please call WITCC to register - 712.274.6404. Can't attend in person - a zoom option is available.
Elder Abuse: Golden Years and Lost Shine
The Golden Years are something we all look forward to - including scammers and those who want take advantage of loved ones. Tasha Jones, Elder Rights Specialist at Connections Area Agency on Aging will point out the various forms of scams and abuse, how to recognize them, how to avoid them, and how to report them. Planning for the future should include education on potential scams and abuse to help avoid a crisis later. Statistics show that 1 in 10 older adults are victims of abuse at some point in their adulthood and we don’t want you to be that 1. We will talk about how to start the conversation with friends and family to become more proactive!
Top scams seen in Iowa
Definition of types of abuse
How to keep yourself safe
Who to report to
How to have a conversation with loved ones about scams/abuse
Creston - OATS Staying Safe Online
This hands-on workshop reviews important tips for keeping your personal information safe while enjoying the benefits of the internet. Learn how to recognize suspicious emails and what to do when confronted with online scams.
Sioux City: Shredtastic
It's Back Again! Connections Area Agency on Aging staff and volunteers, along with Document Depot will be at the Siouxland Center for Active Generations, working to protect our older Americans! Bring your confidential papers to be shredded. This event will not have a drug take back.
Personal papers with confidential information accepted. No need to remove paper clips or staples. No cardboard, plastic, or heavy metal binders. Papers from businesses not accepted (i.e.home-based or office businesses).
Donation event, thanks to Document Depot and Siouxland Center for Active Generations. Donations benefit Senior Independence Programs through Connections Area Agency on Aging and Siouxland Center for Active Generations
Council Bluffs: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren "Meet & Greet"
Join us for a Meet and Greet designed especially for Grandparents raising Grandchildren. Our Support Specialist, Jan Schnack, will talk about Connections' Support for Grand-families, and there will be ample time for general discussion.
Refreshments will be served.
Sign up here!
On-line Caregiver Support Group
Join us for an on-line support group, especially designed for caregivers.
Join us via phone, computer or even a Grandpad by Zoom.
Please contact Jan for more info for the link to join.
This group meets every fourth Monday of the month from 6:00-7:00. .
Another group meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 2:00-3:00 pm.
Attend either or both meetings each month.
Smooth Sailing through Medicare for New Beneficiaries
Medicare is a complex system that can quickly swamp its beneficiaries. Chris Kuchta, a Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) coordinator, will give a lively overview of Medicare and many of its options to help clear the murky water of Parts A, B, C, and D, supplements, advantage plans, and prescription drug plans.
See how you or your loved one may lower the boom on Medicare costs by making annual drug plan comparisons, applying for federal and/or state benefits, or utilizing pharmaceutical assistance programs. Learn how to steer clear of healthcare fraud and identity-theft. This will be a class you will be glad you took!
Join us with the WITCC Lifelong Learning Program. Register by calling WITCC at 712.274.6404 to attend in person.