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Matter of Balance Osceola

Monday, October 7, 2024
9:30 am11:30 am
804 S Fillmore
Osceola, IA 50213

Please join our friends at Clarke County Hospital for their upcoming Matter of Balance class. The class will take place 10/7/2024-11/25/2024 9am to 11am.
Matter of Balance is a multi-session program designed to improve balance to manage falls and increase activity levels. Participants can expect to learn how to view falls as controllable; set goals to increase activity; improve balance, flexibility. and strength; and assess one's home so that it is set up to reduce falls. The program time is 2 hours per session, once a week for 8 weeks.

This program is designed for patients 60 years of age and older.

During the class, participants learn to:

View falls as controllable
Set goals for increasing activity
Improve balance, flexibility & strength
Make changes at home to reduce fall risk
This class is suitable for older adults who:

Are concerned about falls
Have fallen or are at risk for falls
Want to increase activity and exercise
Can walk independently (may use cane)

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