From the Director’s Desk
Kelly Butts-Elston - Executive Director of Connections Area Agency on Aging
On behalf of our entire agency, I want to welcome you to our website. Connections Area Agency on Aging is proud to serve individuals and families in western, southwestern and south central Iowa as they seek solutions and strive for independence and dignity. Connections Area Agency on Aging is one of six Area Agencies on Aging in Iowa. We serve aging Iowans, Iowans 18 and older with disabilities and their family caregivers through information and assistance, service navigation and coordination, and resources for independence.
I invite everyone to browse our website, and I encourage you to contact our fabulous staff for any questions or concerns as you seek resources to remain active and thriving in the community of your choice. Our knowledgeable staff are the experts on aging and disability service delivery. We look forward to helping families make decisions for aging Iowans and Iowans with disabilities that allow them to live the life that they choose. We’re glad you are here!